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RC | Invoice Management System

Invoice Manager is a self-hosted open source application for managing your quotes, invoices, clients and payments. Installed more than 30.000 times in 180 countries

Quotes, Invoices, Payments

Invoice Manager is a solid app to manage your complete billing circle: from quotes over invoices to payments

Manage your Clients

The application provides CRM-like management for your clients. Enter contact details, notes or add custom fields

Customize Invoice Manager

You can customize Invoice Manager to make sure it fits your needs: amount formats, email and PDF templates and many more

One-Click Online Payments

Let your clients use PayPal to pay the invoices. Online, with just one simple click

Creating an Invoice
Click Invoices from the main menu at the top of the page and select Create Invoice. Start typing the client name into the Client box. If the client already exists in Invoice Manager, select the client from the list which appears after you start typing. If the client does not already exist in Invoice Manager, continue typing the client\'s name and that client will be added as a new record. Then choose the invoice date and invoice group and submit the form
Send the invoice
If viewing a list of invoices, click the Options button on the row of the invoice to send. If viewing a single invoice, click the Options button near the top right of the page. Select Send Email from the Options button, review the information and submit the form. The client will receive an email with the invoice attached as a PDF.
Entering a Payment
Online payments allow a client to pay their invoice online. When an online payment occurs, the payment is automatically entered back into Invoice Manager, eliminating the need to manually enter an offline payment. Online payments require additional setup before they can be used.
Video Presentation

Watch videos to know how we created this application

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The Invoice Lifecycle

Invoice statuses follow the lifecycle of an invoice from draft to paid and allow you to keep track of where each of your invoices are in their lifecycle. Each of the statuses listed below are automatically set for you when specific activity occurs with an invoice, but you may also choose to manually change the status at any time during the invoice lifecycle.

Draft Invoice

When an invoice is first created, it is placed in Draft status by default. Sending an invoice by email will automatically change the status from Draft to Sent. Clients cannot view any invoices when they are in Draft status.

Sent Invoice

When Invoice Manager sends an invoice to a client by email, it will place the invoice in Sent status. This occurs when using the Send Email function and it also occurs when a recurring invoice is automatically emailed. Clients can view any of their invoices when they are in Sent status.

Viewed Invoice

When a client views the invoice by either using the Guest URL to view the invoice or by using their Guest Login account the invoice will be placed in Viewed status. This allows you to keep track of which invoices a client has looked at.

Push Notifications

Once an online or offline payment has been made in full against an invoice, the invoice will be placed in Paid status. An invoice will be set to read-only if the status was changed to paid. The invoice can't be edited anymore but you can create a credit invoice if something went wrong or needs to be changed


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